So recently I decided to get back into tumblr. I've started queueing lots of posts, and even create another tumblr just for sims stuff.
I wanted to consistently post stuff, but don't want to be spending so much time, so I figured tumblr is the next best thing cause I can always post some pictures every now and then, so I don't have to spend so much time as I do if I blog them all out since blogging does take up a lot of time.
So yeah, I'll be more active on my tumblr more than anything else, so if you want more frequent updates you can check out my tumblr. But, I'm not posting any personal stuff there. I still feel more comfortable blogging the whole story out since my tumblrs are just there for me to reblog/post pictures of nails & sims.
So yup :D
I feel like I've been really lazy these few days even though it's a school holiday, I really need to starting acting like I'm having my O levels soon.
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