Hi people :) it's been two days since I last blogged. Okay, never mind. I'm gonna talking about my contact lenses :)
Okay, my contact lenses. In case you guys don't know, I wear contacts.
AND I DON'T BUY THEM ON THE NET.. My eyes are like super important to me and in case you don't know, lenses that are sold on the net are
NOT checked by the Ministry of Health or whatever. So, I only buy from those optical stores
thing from happening to my eyes.
My eyes are too precious to be used like some kind of guinea pig. So anyway, here's how my eyes look like with the contact lense on:
See that blue outline thingy around my eyes? That's the contact lense and the contact lenses are
NOT white/transparent! And yeah, I know my eyes have that red red thing. I have insomnia and can't sleep well. Yeah, you get the idea, don't you? Sleeping only 2 hours a day sucks. So anyway, I'm using this brand:

Acuvue Oasys
It lasts for like 2 weeks, 'cause Acuvue has no monthly lenses - which is kinda of suckish 'cause it's like more expensive. But still, eyes comes before the money. I'll rather spend more money on a good contact lense k. I'm not gonna spoil my eyes. It's too precious to me.
The only way to save your money is to buy more at once. So it's like, mini-'bulk' purchase. kinda thing. And the degree's at the side.
D = Degree
The timer thing, I don't know what it's called la = Expiry Date
BC = (I don't know la, I'll ask the person next time.)
DIA = Diameter!
And yeah, for my left eye, it's -2.75 whereas my right eye is like -3.00 . My actual degree is actually -3.00 (L) and -3.25 (R) but I thought it was too dizzy so are requested for a slightly lower degree. So, I started out with daily lenses. Something that looks like this:
But this is CIBA VISON la, not Acuvue. I used Acuvue. Ok, this belongs to my aunt and not me. But I bought CIBA VISION once and it HURTS. Maybe because the curve is too sharp for me. I think I'm too used to Acuvue or what. But honestly, it hurts.
At first, I thought it was turned inside out, that's why it's so sharp. So I turned it back and it's even sharper! That's when I knew that the contact lense isn't suitable for me. And it's -3.00 for both eyes. So anyway, I still think Acuvue is better for me.
And I'm like using this solution that I bought together with the CIBA VISION lenses, which is like a super big bottle so I've not finished yet. I've finished the small bottle, which was the sample, around a few months ago. So this is like my first bottle.
And I'm still using it!! But I hate it when I travel overseas and I actually have to bring the whole bottle :( I shouldn't have used the small bottle first. I should've left it for travel use right?!?!
So this free contact lense casing comes with the SOLUTION and not the LENSE which is quite idiotic. But who cares la, I have the contact lense casing in the end. Who gives a damn why I got it.
So basically, you have to like fill it up with solution and change it everyday before you take it out for hygiene purposes. And it's about this level:
See that like and 'arrow' down there? Yeah. That's about it. Ok, I think my contact lenses are about to drop. It's too try, I guess. And now, with everry blink I make, it's turning blur-y. I've been wearing it since 6am in the morning. So I guess this is it. I'm gonna take my contact lense out now.
1. When you take your contact lense out or put it in, never,
NEVER use the same hands to widen it. You have to use like, your right hand at the top and left and the bottom. Unless you're already an expert (Like me, hehehehe) don't use the same hands as you would probably close your eyes.
2. When you place your contact lense back into the casing, pour the solution BEFORE you put it in. And DO NOT put it into the used solution and then take it out and pour a new one and put it back in PLEASE. And remember to check if it's folded 'cause it might have the oval shape the next time you use it and it's quite painfully when you put it in (pokes your eyes).